Michael Kress, artist and friend, donated a new logo to our institution, so we can keep on going in a new modern look!
We are very thankfull!
Here it is:
As a contribution to the group-show “Future 2057” at FRISE-artisthouse-Hamburg I wrote the following text:
The Chairman of the Inclulympical Committee Chrisdian Wittenburg was arrested at the St. Barbara Clinic in California. He stayed there for a cure to freshen his nerves. He is accused of having enriched in the award of the Inclulympic Games 2056 to Hamburg, Germany in various ways. Among other things, it is suspected that the stem cells that are used for his treatment, had been taken in the previous year during alleged doping samples from inclulmpic top athletes. They were said to have been synthetically enriched for a year in a laboratory that has received funding to study the cure for various disabilities. The main shareholder of the laboratory is the company “Eternal-UTE” – whose managing director is Wittenburg. This procedure was uncovered because one of the doctors treating her had determined during a routine check that Wittenburg’s spinal cord contained cells of the Inclulympic winner Annette Lorenz, who had stored her cell data in a database for public further use. Wittenburg’s interweaving of private and general interests has long been the focus of criticism. The world games of all athletes, which have been held since 2040, are about to be knocked out by these multiple allegations.