The same day I send the Email to Katja Lüke – who is responsible for “inclusion” at the Deutsche (german) Olympische (olympic) Sport (sports) Bund (association) – she called me to find out, what I want. I could only say: I do not know, lets find out! What we found out was: Nobody gave me the briefing to create the BDIOS (I really like the fact, that DOSB and BDIOS look quite the same…) – so who am I working for? She was sceptic, if I represent the aims of many paralympic athlets. I should start to find out more about that, ask the Hamburg-Para-Athlets, what they think of my idea.
She than gave me some good examples, where on other levels events have been organised together. One example was the EM of fencing in Straßbourg, where dis- and usually-abled athlets did their competitions at the same spot, the same time. To learn something about that I googled – and found NOTHING! In Wikipedia I could witness the whole list of fights – but the whole??? No para-athlet was mentioned – and Katja also said, the following year, there was no event together. Later I found a DRS (R for Wheelchair)-report, but no word about the inclusive approach…